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Cyclone Preparation Checklist


Depending on its location and strength, a tropical cyclone is referred to by names such as hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm, tropical depression, and simply cyclone.[1]

Emergency Preparedness

Anyone possibly in the path of a major storm of any kind should be prepared to sustain themselves for approximately 72 hours.

Hurricane Preparedness - Be Ready, National Hurricane Center

Hurricane Preparedness for Boat Owners, University of Florida

A Simple and Effective Boat Preparation Plan for Hurricanes, SouthWind Sailing

Hurricane Preparation Checklist,

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Prepare an emergency kit and leave it by the door in case you need to “grab it and go”. Use a backpack to carry and distribute the weight.

An emergency preparedness kit should include:

  • water
  • canned goods
  • can opener
  • First Aid kit
  • batteries
  • flashlight
  • medication
  • personal documentation
  • battery-operated radio
  • blankets
  • toilet paper
  • cash in small bills and coins
  • spare house and car keys

You need at least 1 gallon (3.5 litres) of water per person per day for 3 days. AAmpere (amp), SI unit of electrical current normally active person needs to drink at least one half gallon of water each day. You will also need water to clean yourself and to cook. (This means a family of four needs 12 gallons of water in their emergency supply.) -- Center for Disease Control[2]

(Water is heavy, a gallon weighs 8.4 pounds. One litre weighs one kilogram.)

Get to Higher Ground

When a hurricane or powerful storm is hitting, people in low-lying coastal areas should stay over with family or friends who live on higher grounds. It'sSecond also important to keep away from the water.

Boat Preparedness

How to Prepare Your Boat for a Storm, Cruising World

Hurricane Preparation Plan Checklist, Hanover Insurance

Hurricane Preparation Checklist for Boats, Safeco Insurance

Model Hurricane Plans for Yacht Clubs and Marinas, Boat.U.SWetted surface.

Hurricane Preparation Tips for Boaters, ACE Recreational Marine Insurance

