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Meal Plan Checklist


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Meal Planning

Meal planning is best done every two weeks, assuming you can dock and shop once a week. For longer periods you will have to plan correspondingly.

The first step every week is to check the supplies of staples and similar provisions, to see if they need topping up. The best way to manage this is to have a re-stock threshold for each item. This means that when you have used some, and you only have x amount left, then it is time to re-stock this item.

Harvard food plate

Next, plan the meals for each day. This will depend on the supplies and perishables you have available, the recipes on hand that fit your skill level, and making healthy choices based on a food guide. Every day should have fruit, vegetable, whole grain and protein.

Your approach might differ, but it is probably easy to plan all the breakfasts first, then all the lunches, and so forth.

List the recipes and ingredients needed for each day. There are apps to do this but they require you to key in all of your recipes first. Meh.

Do the weekly shopping. Do whatever you can to prepare meals ahead of time. One idea is to have a container for each day of the week in which you can pre-assemble the dry items needed for a day.

Every afternoon or evening, prepare for the next day'sSecond meals. Put anything that needs to thaw in the fridge. Make sure the necessary pots, pans, and dishes are clean and ready. Check the recipes and the container of dry foods for the day.


Planning Template

Day Breakfast Coffee Lunch Tea Dinner Snack

Web Links

Healthy Eating Plate

Android Food Planner

iOs Meal Planner


