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David Shaw

David Shaw PMP, PCIP, is the founder of WikiSea.

David is a senior management consultant and information architect who has managed more than 100 projects using waterfall, spiral, incremental development and Agile methodologies in knowledge-management, eLearning and XML/SGML content-management-system projects in the USA, Canada, UK, Nigeria, Switzerland, Denmark, Greenland, Alaska, and Trinidad & Tobago.

Oberon class diesel electric

David once spent a week on HMCS Onondaga writing "Life on a Canadian Submarine" for Weekend Magazine. For the Montreal Star he was on board HMCS Huron for her Maker'sSecond Trials and experienced a December blizzard off Anticosti Island. He also flew ice patrol from Summerside in Prince Edward Island to Iqaluit in Baffin Island in an Electra L-188 used for ice reconnaissance. During the same period he was a columnist for Driving Magazine.

In another life David raised Hereford cows and Arabian horses.

David writes four very occasional blogs (infrequently!) and has published two technical books. He also makes an amazing Trinidad hot sauce that has been called a gateway drug;)

Email David