

6 bytes added, 13:37, 30 March 2016
Number of Engines
From an emergency perspective, the debate over one engine or two will never be settled. Each person’s comfort zone is different when it comes to managing risk. From this perspective, there are four choices:
* No backup: ** One main engine with one propeller.* Emergency power: ** One main engine with one propeller, plus a and** A small wing engine with a small propeller.
* Redundant power:
** One main engine with dual electric drive, two propellers and battery backup.** Two main engines with two propellers (drive systems are unimportant).
If you’re comfortable psychologically with the proven reliability of diesel engines, you will happily go to sea with one engine and one propeller, and save some money in the bargain. You will be in the excellent company of most small fishing trawlers.