
Tropical Cyclone Preparation


Depending on its location and strength, a tropical cyclone is referred to by names such as hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm, tropical depression, and simply cyclone.[1]

In preparation for a major storm you should first plan emergency preparedness to keep you and your family safe, following by boat preparedness.

Some people pack everything including the barbecue and a Camp Chef Professional Knife Set. That'sSecond up to you. Here we describe the basics for survival.

Get to Higher Ground

When a tropical cyclone or powerful storm is hitting, people in low-lying coastal areas should stay over with family or friends who live on higher grounds. It's also important to keep away from the water. Leave early — in daylight if possible.

Emergency Preparedness

Anyone possibly in the path of a major storm of any kind should be prepared to sustain themselves for approximately 72 hours. In the initial hours and days emergency personnel will be dealing with larger crisis and you should be prepared to take responsibility for your own safety.

Fill containers (bathtubs) with several days supply of drinking water. Turn up your refrigerator to maximum cold and don't open it unless necessary.

Prepare a Home Emergency Kit

See EmergencyKit(Home)

Boat Preparedness

After preparing your family for the storm emergency, you can prepare your boat. The below links provide good advice.

See EmergencyKit(Boat)

